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Table 4 Qualitative data analysis overview

From: Evaluation of a coaching workshop for the management of veterinary nursing students’ OSCE-associated test anxiety

Data analysis steps performed

Thematic analysis phase (Braun & Clarke, 2006)

Focus groups audio recorded

Discussions transcribed in Microsoft Worda, anonymised and transferred to Microsoft Excel


Transcripts verified by participants to confirm their accuracy

1 & 2

Initial read through the data centred on the identification of themes

2 & 3

Themes were initially coded by cell colour to match thematic areas

3, 4 & 5

Microsoft Excel’s filter applied to sort the data by cell colour (grouping codes into thematic areas)

3, 4 & 5

Second pass over data identified overlaps and consolidated data points

4 & 5

Numerous further passes over data, condensing data at each stage to collapse codes into themes

5 & 6

Generation of data overview summary with key points under the three main themes which emerged


  1. aMicrosoft Word for Mac 2011, version 14.4.1, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA