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Table 7 Focus group themes and subthemes

From: Evaluation of a coaching workshop for the management of veterinary nursing students’ OSCE-associated test anxiety



1. Student experiences of OSCEs

Negative perceptions of OSCEs

Preparation challenges

Waiting time challenges

OSCEs associated with high test anxiety

Being “under scrutiny”

Negative effects on performance

Formative “mock OSCE” is helpful

Staff support is helpful

Memorization is a factor in preparation

2. Student experiences of the intervention


Sense of perspective

Value of sharing anxiety experiences with others

Neutrality towards the intervention

Positivity towards breathing exercises

Positivity towards cognitive restructuring exercise (“OSCE animal”)

Positivity towards waiting area alterations

Waiting area alterations acted as a reminder

Talking during waiting period

Preference for waiting in small groups

Negativity towards looped music while waiting

Other helpful effects

3. Suggestions for future OSCE management

Suggestions related to the intervention

Suggestions related to waiting room

Desire for repeated practice opportunities

Desire for additional resources to practice specific tasks/areas

Attention to “real-life” details

Replace OSCEs altogether

More clarity on marking methodology

Persistent fear despite interventions