Associate Editor
Vivienne Duggan
University College Dublin, Ireland
Vivienne Duggan is currently working as an Associate Professor in Equine Clinical Studies at University College Dublin, in Ireland. Vivienne trained at the Veterinary College of Ireland at UCD, before moving to the US to complete internship and residency training programmes in Equine Internal Medicine, and a PhD in Veterinary Biomedical Sciences.
She subsequently spent time in equine general and specialty practice in Ireland and New Zealand. In 2006 she accepted a position as a Lecturer in the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine.
She is a specialist in Equine Internal Medicine, being Board Certified with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and the European College of Equine Internal Medicine. She was President of Veterinary Ireland, the representative body for veterinarians in Ireland, in 2014. Her research interests include equine internal medicine, equine welfare, equine infertility and infectious diseases.