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Figure 2 | Irish Veterinary Journal

Figure 2

From: Antioxidant defence of colostrum and milk in consecutive lactations in sows

Figure 2

Activity of GSH-Px in colostrum and milk of sows after parturition. Groups of animals: (A) - sows giving birth for 1st time, (B) - sows giving birth for 2nd-3rd time, (C) - sows giving birth for 4th-5th time, (D) - sows giving birth for 6-8 times. GSH-Tr - Glutathione Transferase - mean - pkat/mg protein, GSH-Px - Glutathione Peroxidase - mean - nkat/mg protein, SOD - Superoxide Dismutase - mean - SOD units/mg protein, Vitamin C - mean - μmol/g protein, Vitamin A - mean - μg/g of protein. Time 0 - sample collected immediately after parturition, Time 6 h - sample collected 6 h after parturition, Time 12 h - sample collected 12 h after parturition, Time 18 h - sample collected 18 h after parturition, Time 36 - sample collected 36 h after parturition, Time 72 - sample collected 72 h after parturition Statistical significance describes the effect of time on antioxidative profile in colostrum and milk of sows during early postpartum period.

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