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Table 4 PVP Responses (n = 90) to Survey on Procedures, Practices and Clinical Conditions Pertaining to OFES

From: Analysis of the operation of on farm emergency slaughter of bovine animals in the Republic of Ireland



Very likely/likely to have recommend OFES to their clients

79(88 %)

Very Familiar/Familiar with Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council Guidelines

76(84 %)

Agreed with the OFES of animals with open fractures

67(74 %)

Strongly agreed/agreed with consultation between OV and PVP

56(62 %)

Agreed with OFES of animals with an inconclusive diagnosis, but deemed fit for human consumption

51(52 %)

Aware of slaughterhouses in your area that provided the service of OFES

49(54 %)

Agreed with OFES of downer animals, but fit for human consumption

44(50 %)

Aware that a consultation took place between the OV and PVP following ante-mortem examination

43(48 %)

Agreed with the transport of acutely injured animals under certain circumstances to slaughterhouses for CS

32(36 %)

Agreed with the transport of acutely injured animals for CS in any circumstance

25(28 %)

Agreed with the OFES of animals injured longer than 48 h but fit for human consumption

16(18 %)

PVP performs OFES at all times

2(2 %)