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Table 1 The most important simultaneous RESET actions taken by involved stakeholders to decrease antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands

From: The RESET Mindset Model applied on decreasing antibiotic usage in dairy cattle in the Netherlands



Social Pressure



- 1-to-1 relationship dairy farmer and veterinarian

- No preventive antibiotic usage (no blanket DCT)

- Herd health plan

- Transparency on antibiotic usage

- Limitations on use of specific antibiotics

- Action plan when antibiotic usage is too high

- Publications in scientific and farmer journals

- Press releases

- Guidelines on antibiotic usage

- Specific courses for veterinarians on herd health plans

- Study groups on antibiotic usage for farmers

- Lectures, meetings, symposia

- Public opinion on responsibility towards human health

- Initiation of the ‘antibiotic number’ DDDAF

- Benchmark on DDDA for farmers and veterinarians

- Discussions on alternative (preventive) approaches with different herd health advisors

- Costs of dry cow antibiotics

- Imminent threat of sanctions when failing to commit

- Indirect threat of losing customer trust, national and international

- Herd health and treatment plan

- Medi-Rund

- Standard treatment protocols

- Colour codes for passing signalling and action thresholds on antibiotic usage

- Setting signalling and actions thresholds on antibiotic usage